FIREPLUS Pellet Bag: The Eco-Efficient Choice for Modern Heating
At The Photovoltaic Warehouse, we are proud to present a heating solution that is not only effective but also environmentally friendly.
Discover the FIREPLUS Pellet Bag, your ally in comfort and sustainability during the cold months.
Highlighted Features
High Performance and Premium Quality The FIREPLUS Pellet Bag contains high-quality wood pellets that ensure optimal and efficient combustion. Experience extended heating and keep your home warm and comfortable.
Eco-friendly Commitment By using recyclable materials and a sustainable manufacturing process, FIREPLUS Pellets become an eco-conscious choice. Decrease your carbon footprint while enjoying comfortable warmth.
Simplified Handling and Storage The bag's design makes it easy to transport, store, and dispense the pellets. Its sturdy packaging ensures the product's quality until use.
70 Bag Pallet of FIREPLUS Pellets They have ENplus® quality certification. Based on ISO 17225-2. Shipping to the peninsula (except... Pellets bag.<h2><b>FIREPLUS Pellets Bag</b></h2> <p></p> <p><b>They have the quality certification ENplus®. It is based on ISO 17225-2.</b></p> <p></p> <p><b>The quality of this specific pellet is: EN+ A1.</b></p> <h2>Price for a bag on a pallet of 70 units.</h2> <h3>If you want a quote for a smaller quantity, contact <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a></h3> BIOMASA5.94.99096.94915254237290.37272023-09-25T16:34:29+0200/Home/Home/PELLET/Home/PELLET/PELLET STOVES96096110221025