The JA Solar 545W Deep Blue 3.0 photovoltaic module (JAM72S30-545/MR). Monocrystalline technology with PERC 11BB cells of 144 (24 x 6). Its... 550W pallet (LP182x182-M-72-MH-550W) Solar panel<h1>Solar panel <b>Leapton 550W, Complete Pallet.</b></h1> <p>Pallet of the photovoltaic panel <b>Leapton 550W (LP182x182-M-72-MH-550W)</b>.</p> <p>Its new MBB cells, with an improved circuit design, lower internal resistance loss in the panel.</p> <p>Proven decrease in loss, and higher performance in low light environments.</p> <p>Cells of 182 x 182 mm.</p> <p>Similarly, attention should be paid to the dimensions (2279×1135×35) to acquire the appropriate support.</p> <h2 style="text-align:center;">IF THE ORDER IS FOR MORE THAN THREE PALLETS, PLEASE CONTACT THE SALES DEPARTMENT TO REQUEST A QUOTE FOR SHIPPING.</h2> SOLAR3737.92535.454517.924503063217553.7192023-04-26T16:26:09+0200/SOLAR PANELS/SOLAR PANELS/PALLETS/SOLAR PANELS/550W SOLAR PANELS605838891