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- Mandatory documentation for the legalization before the industry, for a power of less than 10 kW, signed by a competent qualified technician, according to the REBT, in case the connection is in low voltage.
- Electrical Installation Certificate. With this certificate, you can legalize your installation through your energy supplier. By registering with the distributor, you can also offset the surpluses from the installation.
- Processing and submission before the industry of the installation. This closes the processing of the installation at the autonomous level. Being registered with the relevant official bodies.
These procedures and legalizations are currently not possible in the autonomous community of Galicia.
For legalization in autonomous communities, and energy supply companies, other procedures are also necessary.
If the expected power is greater than 10 kW, even if the connection is in LV, it will be mandatory to carry out a technical project drafted, signed by a qualified technician and endorsed by the official professional college.
A building permit must be requested from the City Council for self-consumption photovoltaic installations. Always following municipal regulations.
According to the power, the City Council will indicate whether a responsible declaration or technical report is sufficient.
The Royal Decree 244/2019 which regulates the administrative, technical, and economic conditions of electricity self-consumption, regulates the modalities of electricity self-consumption defined in Article 9 of Law 24/2013, of December 26, of the Electricity Sector.
The obligation that requires a technical design report, the owner of the low-voltage electrical installation or their legal representative, and the authorized installer.
The necessary documentation in the design of the installation will depend on the type of grid connection to be used and the expected power of the installation.
If the connection is to be made at low voltage (LV, up to 1kV) and the power of the installation is expected to be equal to or less than 10 kW, it will be sufficient to have mandatory documentation prepared by an authorized installation company. This report must include at least the contents reflected in the ITC-BT-04 of the REBT.
Both the report and the project must contain all the technical information and documentation of the installation: sizing, equipment and its characteristics, materials used, warranties, maintenance needs, etc.
The provisions of this Royal Decree apply to installations and subjects covered by any of the electricity self-consumption modalities defined in Article 9 of Law 24/2013, of December 26, of the Electricity Sector.
Self-consumption installations without surpluses of any power are exempt from requesting access and connection permits. Therefore, this type of installations are also exempt from submitting guarantees and securities for the connection.
The anti-backfeed system of the generated current is mandatory for self-consumption installations without surpluses as it will prevent current injection into the distribution and transportation grid.
Legalization is also important to access subsidies that may be offered by the authorities. These incentives can cover between 40% and 90% of the initial investment. There are also grants for electric vehicle chargers, as long as they are accompanied by a photovoltaic installation.
Remember that by not legalizing your photovoltaic installation, you may incur fines from the energy distributor or from the local or regional government.